A cynic's 7.30: Brad Hazzard on the NSW COVID outbreak (17 Jun 2021)

(Original 7.30 interview, archived version)

NSW COVID outbreak started by an unvaccinated driver

Leigh Sales:

Minister, why was an unvaccinated driver allowed anywhere near an international flight crew?

Brad Hazzard:

But first, let me preface with a non-answer about saliva:

The current arrangements […] are that there should be, every day, a saliva test undertaken [etc. etc.].

It would appear that uh, he may have had the saliva test [blah blah etc. etc.].

[Having vaccines] hasn't been mandatory to date, but at any rate, we've announced today that we'll be reviewing that situation because of the current circumstances.

Leigh Sales:

How come every time […] the minister responsible, regardless of the state, says, "Oh yep, okay, we'll have to review it to make sure it doesn't happen again." Cause [vaccinated drivers and daily testing] seem really obvious […]. It's not rocket science.

Brad Hazzard:

Yeah uhh… thank you for that, Leigh, but the reality is that we are in a 1-in-100-year pandemic… and it's the "unknown unknowns". […]

There has been a reluctance through National Cabinet to have mandatory testing

so blame them.


Leigh Sales:

Do you reckon that the audience would buy that an unvaccinated driver picking up an infection from an international flight crew is an "unknown unknown"?

Brad Hazzard:

Well, I just said it was…

Leigh Sales:

Yeah nah.

But how can that be?

Brad Hazzard:

Well… it was.

And it helps run down the clock in this interview.

[…] There are other factors. […] the companies that actually engage these drivers, often as employees or subcontractors

who are cheaper,

have expressed concerns […] that they may not be able to get drivers to actually do the job if we actually force them to have the vaccine

unless we pay them more, which we won't.

Leigh Sales:

New South Wales has a higher appetite for risk than other states […].

What assurance can you give […] that it isn't just luck that this is the first incident of its kind?

Brad Hazzard:

[…] We take the majority of people coming back from overseas

but don't you dare talk to me about NSW's larger population.

[…] we've taken over 190,000 people. That's about 10 times what WA's taken

which is just begging for a fact-check, because Dr Tarun Weeramanthri's Interim Advice #1 from 4 Feb 2021 says that Over 37,000 people have been through the HQ system in WA.



Leigh Sales:

Brad Hazzard, thanks for your time.

Brad Hazzard:
