《施氏食獅史》 "[An] History of Mr Shih's Eating Lions"

This is the passage composed by Yuen Ren Chao, with every character pronounced ㄕ (Pinyin: shi) up to tone in Mandarin.


The Chinese source text is from Page 143 of Chao's 《語言問題》 (臺灣商務印書館, 1968).

Source text Target text Notes
《施氏食獅史》 "[An] History of Mr Shih's Eating Lions"
  • 施氏: Mr Shih; lit. surname Shih
石室詩士施氏,嗜獅,誓食十獅。 [The] poet Mr Shih of [a] stone house, liked lions, [and] sware to eat ten lions.
  • 石: stone; or rock
氏時時適市視獅。 Mr [Shih] constantly went unto market [to] view lions.
  • Here, has been dropped from 施氏.

十時,適十獅適市。是時,適施氏適市。 [At the] tenth hour, ten lions [were] just gone unto market. [At] this time, Mr Shih [was] just gone unto market.
氏視是十獅,恃矢勢,使是十獅逝世。 Mr [Shih] viewed these ten lions, [and], relying upon the arrow's momentum, made these ten lions pass away.
  • 使: made; or caused
氏拾是十獅屍,適石室。 Mr [Shih] picked up these ten lions' carcasses, [and] went unto [the] stone house.
石室濕,氏使侍拭石室。 [The] stone house wet, Mr [Shih] made servants wipe [the] stone house.
石室拭,氏始試食是十獅屍。 [The] stone house wiped, Mr [Shih] began to try eating these ten lions' carcasses.
食時,始識是十獅屍,實十石獅屍。 [Only] when eating, [did he] first know [that] these ten lions' carcasses, [were] actually ten stone lions' carcasses.
  • 始: first; lit. begin to
試釋是事。 Try to interpret these events.
  • 是事: these events; or this incident

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