《太平山獅子亭記》 "Record of [the] Lion's Pavilion, Victoria Peak"

This is a semi-literary text on a plaque in the Lion's Pavilion, Victoria Peak, Hong Kong. Unfortunately I did not photograph the left half of the plaque. From memory it contained a list of names of contributors to the funding (referred to in the text as 諸君子, "all [the] gentlemen"), but no mention of the author.

Photograph of the plaque text.

High-resolution version: lion-pavilion.jpg (1.6 MB)


The inserted olden-style punctuation is my own.

Source text Target text Notes
《太平山獅子亭記》 "Record of [the] Lion's Pavilion, Victoria Peak"
太平山、古稱鼇峰、南臨大海、北與九龍諸山遥遥相望、岡巒連綿、林木蔚茂、風景絶美。 Victoria Peak, [in] antiquity referred to [as the] Peak of the Great Sea-Turtle, overlooketh southward [the] great sea, [and] distantly looketh northward at each other with [the] various mountains of Kowloon; [its] ridge hills connected [and] unbroken, [its] forest trees luxuriant [and] flourishing, [and its] scenic views absolutely beautiful.
  • 太平山: Victoria Peak; lit. Mount Tranquility; or Mount Peace
我獅子會、建亭於芬尼徑側、為主亭一、前亭五、如北辰居中、而五星拱之。 We [the] Lions Club, built [the] Pavilion to [the] side of Findlay Path, being main pavilion one, [and] fore pavilions five, like [the] North Star abiding in [the] centre, with [the] Five Planets going round it.
  • 居: abiding in; or dwelling in
  • 五星: [the] Five Planets

    金木水火土, i.e. Venus, Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, and Saturn.

  • 拱: going round

    The line 如北辰居中、而五星拱之 is a nod to Confucius; see Analects 2.1.

丹楹畫檻、通以月門、悉依古制。 [With] red-[painted] columns [and] drawing-[decorated] balustrades, through to [the] Moon Gate, all [were] made according unto the olden.
春秋佳日、中西人士聨翩蒞止、登斯亭也。 [On a] goodly spring [or] autumn day, [both] Chinese [and] Western people continuously flock [here to] attend, ascending this Pavilion.
  • 聨翩: continuously flock; lit. rapidly fly together
可俯瞰維多利亞海港南北两岸、其間朝暉夕陰、晴光雨色、千變萬化、殆如畫圖。 [They] can look down [and] overlook [the] two banks, southern [and] northern, of Victoria Harbour: between them [the] morning sunshine [and the] even shade, [and the] clear light [and the] rainy hues, [undergo a] thousand changes [and a] myriad tranformations, as [in] paintings [and] drawings.
  • 晴: clear; or fine
山中復有竒花異草可以觀賞、幽泉怪石可以遊遨。 Amidst [the] mount there are also odd flowers [and] strange grasses [they] can observe [and] appreciate, [and] secluded springs [and] strange rocks [they] can tour [and] roam.
  • 賞: appreciate; or admire
  • 遨: roam; or ramble
而遠近松風、又如笙竽合奏、耳目所接、無一而不足快、亦遊息之佳所也。 And [the] far [and] nearby pine-tree wind, [is] also as the shêng [and] the playing [in] ensemble; [among] that which the ear [and] the eye receive, not one [thing is] not sufficient [and] pleasing. [It is] also [a] goodly place [for] travel [and] rest.
亭之建、倡自一九七三年。 [The] construction of [the] Pavilion, [was] advocated for since [the] year 1973.
洪磋景、福伯齡、先後任會長、與諸君子規畫其事、蒙當局撥地興工。 Hung Tsor‑king, [and] Fook Pak‑ling, served as Club Chairman [one] after [the] other, [and] planned those matters with all [the] gentlemen, [and] received from [the] local authority [an] allocation of land [with which to] begin work.
  • 先後: [one] after [the] other; lit. before [and] after
而形制則前會長百强則師、任之不受酬。其建築布置諸費、凡共五十萬元。 And [of designing the] form [and] structure, [the] former Club Chairman Pak‑keung [the] architect served it not receiving payment. Its various construction [and] furnishing costs, totalled altogether fifty myriad dollars.
  • 百强: Pak‑keung

    The name of the architect. According to a separate plaque his full name is Chan Pak‑keung, 陳百强. I have no idea why he is referred to by first name only. Note that he shares the same full name with Danny Chan (1958–1993).

  • 則師: architect

    The use of to mean architectural drawing, as in 圖則, appears to be local to Hong Kong. And in this context it is pronounced tsik7, not tsak7, although I have yet to come across a dictionary which lists this pronunciation.

以一九七六年九月落成、是月三日、由市政局沙利士主席行接收禮。 In September of [the] year 1976 [was it] completed, [and on the] 3rd day of this month, [the] ceremony of receiving [was] performed by Chairman Sales of [the] Urban Council.
吾聞獅子得金精之剛、聲吼如雷、天地皆動。 I hear [that] the lion getteth [the] strength of [the] essence of metal, [its] sounds [and] roars as thunder: all Heaven [and] Earth [are] moved.
  • 剛: strength; or toughness
今兹之舉、賴諸君子如響斯應、相輔相成、其力不啻雄獅。 [This] deed here [and] now, dependeth upon all [the] gentlemen [having as quickly] as [an] echo responded, assisting each other [and] fulfilling each other, their efforts no less than the mighty lion's.
  • 力: efforts; lit. strength
尤望來遊者、亦步健神旺、顧盼自如、而與獅子同也。 [I] especially hope [that] the traveller [which] cometh, also [be] robust [in] step [and] vigorous [in] spirit, looking back [and] forward at [his] own [will], and [be the] same as [a] lion.
  • 望: hope; or wish
  • 神: spirit; or mind
爰書、是以記之。 [A] prisoner's writing: this to record it.
  • 爰書: [a] prisoner's writing; lit. changed writing

    An affidavit given by a prisoner, the term supposedly derived from the text of the affidavit being changed: 爰、易也、換也. Here the author of the plaque text closes by self-deprecating his own work.

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Conway (2023). "Record of [the] Lion's Pavilion, Victoria Peak". <https://yawnoc.github.io/lit/lion-pavilion> Accessed yyyy-mm-dd.