《孫子算經卷下》 "Sun Tzŭ's Computational Classic: Volume III"
§1. Discounting by a rate (1)

This section gives a worked example of discounting quantities by a rate.

The relevant unit conversion for capacity is

1 \unit{barrel~(斛)} = 10 \unit{pecks~(斗)}.

See Vol. I §3 (Units of capacity).


Chinese source text: Version A, Version B, Version C, Version D.
Unless noted otherwise, I follow the text from Version D, 《知不足齋叢書》本.

Source text Target text Notes
今有甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬九家共輸租。 Suppose there be nine families A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, [and] I together contributing land-tax.
  • Version C erroneously has for , both here and below.
甲出三十五斛、乙出四十六斛、丙出五十七斛、丁出六十八斛、戊出七十九斛、己出八十斛、庚出一百斛、辛出二百一十斛、壬出三百二十五斛。 A supplieth thirty-five barrels; B supplieth forty-six barrels; C supplieth fifty-seven barrels; D supplieth sixty-eight barrels; E supplieth seventy-nine barrels; F supplieth eighty barrels; G supplieth one hundred barrels; H supplieth two hundred [and] ten barrels; I supplieth three hundred [and] twenty-five barrels.
  • 出: supplieth; or sendeth forth
  • Version A is missing in 乙出四十六斛.
凡九家共輸租一千斛、僦運直折二百斛外。問家各幾何。 [In] total [the] nine families together contribute land-tax one thousand barrels, [and] renting transport [is the] worth reduced two hundred barrels externally. [We] ask, how much of each family?
  • The wording of the question is vague. While it appears to ask for the amount reduced from each contribution, the actual intent was to ask for the amount that remains after each reduction. Which involves multiplying each quantity by
    1 - \frac{200 \unit{barrels}}{1000 \unit{barrels}} = \frac{4}{5}.
答曰、甲二十八斛、乙三十六斛八斗、丙四十五斛六斗、丁五十四斛四斗、戊六十三斛二斗、己六十四斛、庚八十斛、辛一百六十八斛、壬二百六十斛。 Answer saith: A twenty-eight barrels; B thirty-six barrels [and] eight pecks; C forty-five barrels [and] six pecks; D fifty-four barrels [and] four pecks; E sixty-three barrels [and] two pecks; F sixty-four barrels; G eighty barrels; H one hundred [and] sixty-eight barrels; I two hundred [and] sixty barrels.
  • Version C has for , both here and below (save two occurrences where it erroneously has ).
  • Version A is missing 六斗 in 丙四十五斛六斗.
術曰、置甲出三十五斛、以四乘之、得一百四十斛、以五除之、得二十八斛。 Method saith: put [down] A supplying thirty-five barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in one hundred [and] forty barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in twenty-eight barrels.
乙出四十六斛、以四乘之、得一百八十四斛、以五除之、得三十六斛八斗。 B supplieth forty-six barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in one hundred [and] eighty-four barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in thirty-six barrels [and] eight pecks.
丙出五十七斛、以四乘之、得二百二十八斛、以五除之、得四十五斛六斗。 C supplieth fifty-seven barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in two hundred [and] twenty-eight barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in forty-five barrels [and] six pecks.
丁出六十八斛、以四乘之、得二百七十二斛、以五除之、得五十四斛四斗。 D supplieth sixty-eight barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in two hundred [and] seventy-two barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in fifty-four barrels [and] four pecks.
戊出七十九斛、以四乘之、得三百一十六斛、以五除之、得六十三斛二斗。 E supplieth seventy-nine barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in three hundred [and] sixteen barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in sixty-three barrels [and] two pecks.
己出八十斛、以四乘之、得三百二十斛、以五除之、得六十四斛。 F supplieth eighty barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in three hundred [and] twenty barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in sixty-four barrels.
庚出一百斛、以四乘之、得四百斛、以五除之、得八十斛。 G supplieth one hundred barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in four hundred barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in eighty barrels.
辛出二百一十斛、以四乘之、得八百四十斛、以五除之、得一百六十八斛。 H supplieth two hundred [and] ten barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in eight hundred [and] forty barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in one hundred [and] sixty-eight barrels.
壬出三百二十五斛、以四乘之、得一千三百斛、以五除之、得二百六十斛。 I supplieth three hundred [and] twenty-five barrels; multiplying it by four, resulteth in one thousand three hundred barrels; dividing it by five, resulteth in two hundred [and] sixty barrels.

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