This section gives a worked example of the two-point method of false position for a system of linear equations in two variables. See Vol. II §28 for a more detailed discussion of the method.
Chinese source text: Version A, Version B, Version C, Version D.
Unless noted otherwise, I follow the text from Version D, 《知不足齋叢書》本.
Source text | Target text | Notes |
今有三人共車、二車空、二人共車、九人步。問人與車各幾何。 | Suppose there be three people together [a] chariot, [and] two chariots empty; [but] two people together [a] chariot, [and] nine people afoot. [We] ask, how many each [be the] people and [the] chariots? |
答曰、一十五車、三十九人。 | Answer saith: fifteen chariots, [and] thirty-nine people. | |
術曰、置二車、以三乘之、得六、加步者九人、得車一十五。 | Method saith: put [down the] two chariots; multiplying it by three, resulteth in six; adding those afoot, [even the] nine people, resulteth in chariots fifteen. |
欲知人者、以二乘車、加九人、即得。 | Wishing to know [the] people: multiplying [the] chariots by two, [and] adding [the] nine people, [we] are done. |
Conway (2023). "Sun Tzŭ's Computational Classic: Volume III §15". <> Accessed yyyy-mm-dd.