This section gives a worked example of solving a linear equation.
Chinese source text: Version A, Version B, Version C, Version D.
Unless noted otherwise, I follow the text from Version D, 《知不足齋叢書》本.
Source text | Target text | Notes |
今有婦人河上蕩桮、津吏問曰、桮何以多。婦人曰、家有客。 | Suppose there be [a] woman washing cups upon [the] river, [and the] officer of [the] ford asketh, saying, Why [so] many cups? [And the] woman saith, [Mine] house hath guests. | |
津吏曰、客幾何。婦人曰、二人共飯、三人共羹、四人共肉、凡用桮六十五。不知客幾何。 | [And the] officer of [the] ford saith, How many [be the] guests? [And the] woman saith, Two people together [for] rice, three people together [for] soup, [and] four people together [for] flesh, [in] total use cups sixty-five. Know [we] not how many [be the] guests? |
答曰、六十人。 | Answer saith: sixty people. | |
術曰、置六十五桮、以一十二乘之、得七百八十。以十三除之、即得。 | Method saith: put [down the] sixty-five cups; multiplying it by twelve, resulteth in seven hundred [and] eighty. Dividing it by thirteen, [we] are done. |
Conway (2023). "Sun Tzŭ's Computational Classic: Volume III §17". <> Accessed yyyy-mm-dd.